The battered speaker crackles into life, The captain of the Traitors orders the crew to prepare for landing…
A beeping alarm and a flashing light startles Joey and the crew out of their snooze. On the radar, streams of question marks rapidly approach their little space ship. ‘Oh no’ asteroids! Gigantic space rocks hurtle themselves at the ship. But before Joey can get to the steering wheel their space ship collides with an asteroid making a crumpling sound but luckily throwing them out of the asteroid belt.
After checking that all the main parts of the ship are intact as well as that the fuel tank isn't leaking Joey gives an all clear signal to the crew and begins to head back to the cabin.
The screaming sound of metal against metal pierces Joeys ear drums. The satisfying hiss of a sealed being opened, makes Joey dread what will happen next!
The clanking of metal on a weak floor, and gears turning, a recorded voice orders the crew to put their hands on their heads and give themselves up, so that they can be bound by ropes and kept hostage before the landing.
A trickle of gas creeps past the window. With horror Joey realises that they are entering the poisonous gasses of the Deserted Planet. Straight away the clanking of a Traitor's footsteps come closer and closer all the while echoing around the spaceship. Robust fists shove Joey and the crew towards to exploring hatch.
Finally the ever descending makes contact with the ground. The first living Humans are about to touch the ground in 340 years. A robotic hand swipes the crew members and Joey out of the spaceship and into the poisonous gasses...
By Max G
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